Spinal Cord Injuries

Catherine Tsang-Wu, OTD, OTR, CBIS

Dr. Catherine Tsang-Wu has practiced as an occupational therapist in California, Kentucky and Texas. With more than 30 years of diversified clinical experience across various settings, including acute care, outpatient, day neuro, home and community, she devoted 16 years to specializing in adult neurological inpatient rehabilitation. She holds a range of specialties, including becoming a

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Michelle Sawtelle, PT, MPT, PhD

Dr. Michelle Sawtelle has served as a physical therapist since 2007 and has taught in higher education since 2013, with her primary expertise focusing on the evaluation and treatment of adults with neurologic movement disorders. Dr. Sawtelle is a board-certified clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy and serves as a board member for the Stroke

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Shannon Estes, PT, DPT

Dr. Shannon Estes earned her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. She completed her Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2015 at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She remained at the institution to finish her neurological physical therapy residency. She is currently enrolled in a Master of Public

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Lee Ann Hoffman, OTD, ATP/SMS

Dr. Lee Ann Hoffman is an occupational therapist with more than 20 years of experience, having worked internationally and in a variety of healthcare settings and systems throughout her career. She is invested in contributing to the field of assistive technology and complex rehabilitation technologies. Dr. Hoffman is a Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society

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Mayra Mendez-Schiaffino, OTD, MS, OTR/L

Dr. Mayra Mendez-Schiaffino received her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Brenau University in 2016 after completing her undergraduate studies in Clinical Psychology at Kennesaw State University in 2010. In 2021, she earned a post-graduate certification in Low Vision Rehabilitation from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). In 2023, she received her Doctor

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Jacqueline Achon, OTD, MS, OTR/L, CSRS, CFPS

Dr. Jacqueline Achon has more than five years as an occupational therapy practitioner. She has worked in adult and geriatric settings primarily in inpatient acute rehab. She has worked in a skilled nursing facility and home health settings. She earned a Bachelor of Psychology and a Master of Occupational Therapy from Florida International University. She

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Cheryl Sheffield, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, CHAMP, CDP, FPS

Dr. Cheryl Sheffield has 30 years of experience as an occupational therapist in Canada and the United States. She joined the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) in 2018, where she transitioned from a contributing faculty member in the post-professional Doctor of Physical Therapy program to core faculty in the Master of Occupational

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Faris Alshammari, PT, MPT, NCS, PhD

Since 2015, Dr. Faris Alshammari has been a full-time professor specializing in neurophysiology, neuroscience, neuromuscular II, neuromuscular III, pain science, physical therapy for neurological cases and research methods in physical therapy. With more than 15 years of clinical experience, he has worked extensively with inpatient and outpatient neurologic patients. From 2010 to 2015, he led

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Maureen Johnson, PhD, MS, OT/L, BCPR, C/NDT, CHSE-A

Maureen Johnson, PhD, MS, OT/L, BCPR, C/NDT, known as “Dr. Mo,” received her bachelors and post-professional master’s in Occupational Therapy from San Jose State University and her Doctor of Philosophy in Education with a focus on learning, instruction and innovation. She has more than 30 years of experience with a variety of patient populations primarily

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Pamela Kasyan-Howe, OTD, OTR/L, EdS

Dr. Pamela Ann Kasyan-Howe received a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Florida in 1993, Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Florida International University in 1997, and a post professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from South University in 2016. She received an Education Specialist degree for Computing Technologies in Education from

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Miguel Garcia, PT, DPT, EdD

Dr. Miguel Garcia is a core faculty member in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Miami, FL campus. He has been teaching in the DPT Flex program since 2009 and leads the various neurological courses within the DPT curriculum. He was promoted to his current position

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Antonette Fernandez, DrOT, OTR/L, CNDT

Dr. Fernandez has 35 years of clinical and leadership experience in providing and promoting rehabilitation services throughout the population’s lifespan. Her clinical experience and specialization include and are not limited to traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral vascular accident, neuro-rehabilitation, adult and pediatric orthopedics, adult and pediatric burns, adult and pediatric movement disorders, dementia,

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