
| 2 September 2013

The data in this blog is for general informational purposes only and information presented was accurate as of the publication date.

Walk Across America

Saint Augustine faculty and staff began participating in Walk Across America to promote health and wellness for all USA team membersBeginning in January 2013, USA faculty and staff began participation in a wellness campaign to promote health and wellness for all USA team members. The “ Walk Across USA” campaign was launched to give USA team members an exciting way to improve their health and become more active. Each participating member was able to choose the campus/goal they wanted to reach from the list below and they have the entire year to accomplish that goal. Those participating received a pedometer to count their steps along the way. Pedometers are placed in team members pockets to track every step they are walking, jogging or running throughout the day.

Route 1— FL to TX or TX to FL| 1,075 miles | 2,150,000 steps | Approximately 6,600 steps per day

Route 2—FL to CA or CA to FL | 2,400 miles | 4,800,000 steps | Approximately 14,700 steps per day

Route 3—CA to TX or TX to CA | 1,308 miles | 2,616,000 steps | Approximately 8,000 steps per day

There have been checkpoints along the way and there will be a celebration in December for everyone who has reached their final destinations. USA is excited to promote this healthy lifestyle activity and everyone is excited to participate in the fun activity!


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