Continuing professional education

Cervico-Thoracic Dysfunction: Anatomy & Biomechanics

Max Subscription:
14 Days

US $35.00

This webinar is part of a 4‐part webinar series that can be taken individually or as part of the series. The series addresses common clinical issues of the cervical spine as well as providing a review of its anatomy, biomechanics and the examination process and management principles. Each hour is filled with clinical examples and current literature that provides the clinician with an evidence‐informed perspective. Open to Physical Therapists.

Seminar Description:
Following the webinar series, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the anatomy/biomechanics of the cervicothoracic spine and how this relates to syndromes and other problems of the cervicothoracic spine.
  • Discuss what key myofascial elements are commonly associated with cervical spine dysfunction.
  • Discuss exercise programs where indicated as well as contra‐indications.

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