Vaccination Policy
Clinical Education Required Health Documentation
Required health information includes:
- A copy of the student’s medical insurance coverage (must be kept current while enrolled)
- Proof of a comprehensive health examination (annually)
- Current 2-step PPD or chest x-ray if PPD positive (annually)
- Proof of immunization or immunity to: Measles, Mumps, Rubella (2 doses) and Varicella (2 doses) OR positive blood titer
- Proof of immunization to Hepatitis B AND proof of positive titer or signed declination form*
- Proof of immunization to Tdap (every 10 years)
- Proof of immunization to Bacterial Meningitis on Texas campus (21 years old and younger)
- Flu shot (annually)
- A copy of the student’s current American Heart Association (AHA) First Aid and BLS cards (expires every 2 years)
- A copy of certificate of completion for training in in OSHA, HIPAA, Elder Abuse (provided by the University)
*A facility has the right to refuse any student who has not completed the required medical documents including an incomplete Hepatitis B series.